Впринципе я знаю че у мя глюк0в стока…
Архивчики скаченные были п0дп0рчены просто…вот и выливеца…
Кста,нарр0д кто-то знет как EL-Regras(снизу стрелк0й указан) для Элли д0стать? И cекреин0г0 гиара-Argento(ег0 скрина нету..),котрый м0на п0лучить на 2-0м диске,як0бы зам0чив всех на арене,в Нортюрне,играя special mode 1,difficulty=hard.rounds=3.Проб0вал не вых0дит((((
В гайдах пишеися это:
Part 7: Secrets
Get Elly's Omnigear, Regrs, in the Battle Arena:
I found out the true way to get this Gear. Okay, here goes, you should
have at least 50 hours (of course your probably would, anyway, right?)
and go inside Deus, then leave after going down. After you jump down, I
mean right after you jump down, get out (if you don't know, push X where
the light is coming from and accept to leave) then go to the Battle
Arena and choose Special Mode 1. You should now have it.
Get Argento, a secret Gear:
Set the Number of Matches to 3, the Difficulty to Hard. Choose
Player Vs. Com. Choose any Gear (YOU are going to use A Gear, right?),
and use that same Gear, and fight against all of the other characters.
You cannot lose a match, but you can lose rounds, otherwise, you will
have to start all over. After you have beaten all of the other opponents
with the Gear you used, then choose Xenogears and fight the Gear you
used. If you used Xenogears to beat all of the opponents, then you must
do the Same Character Select Trick.
Same Character Select:
It is possible to use the same character as your opponent is. You can
highlight a character that is already highlighted, and can choose that
character. To do so, hold L2 and R2 and move to the already highlighted
character and you can choose that character, too. So when you control
who the 2P side will use, choose the character you are using for 1P,
push X to accept, then hold L2 and R2, move to the same character, and
push X. Now both 1P and 2P have the same characters. But when 2P is a
human player, the 2P controller, the L2 and R2 buttons must be held and
you can choose the same character as 1P, and vice versa.
Ну а как за этог0 грамадину в 0бычн0м режиме гамать,ума не прилажу..Это Yuggdrasil 4,вых0дная м0щн0сть=1000!!!
Ег0 то и не м0гли 0б0значить намана в предыдущих п0стах..