



Описание ингредиентов и результатов их смешивания с помощью овердрайва Рикку — Mix.

Все эффекты можно условно разделить (ради удобства) на несколько типов: восстанавливающие, статусные, атакующие-неэлементальные и атакующие-элементальные. Таблицы ниже разделены на название, описание эффекта, группу предметов для смешивания 1 и группу предметов для смешивания 2. Достаточно взять один из предметов группы слева и смешать с одним из соответствующей группы справа, и вы получите эффект.


Ultra Potion 1372712934.jpg
Полностью восстанавливает НР всей команде.
Potion Map, Potion, Hi-Potion, Ability Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller, Mana Distiller, Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere,Grenade, Al Bhed Potion, X-Potion, Mega-Potion, Frag Grenade, Rename Card
Hi-Potion Map, Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller, Grenade, Al Bhed Potion, Mega-Potion, Frag Grenade, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Rename Card,  Speed Sphere
X-Potion Map, Ability Distiller, Power Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Mega-Potion Map, Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller, Power Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Sphere
Phoenix Down Map, Rename Card
Al Bhed Potion Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller, Al Bhed Potion
Panacea image
Полностью исцеляет все негативные статусы команде.
Potion Antidote, Eye Drops, Holy Water, Soft, Remedy, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental
Antidote Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Holy Water, Al Bhed Potion, Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, X-Potion
Soft Soft, Power Distiller, Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Remedy, X-Potion
Eye Drops Eye Drops, Echo Screen, Ability Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller, Mana Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Remedy, X-Potion
Echo Screen Echo Screen, Ability Distiller, Speed Distiller, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Phoenix Down, Al Bhed Potion, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mega-Potion, Remedy, X-Potion
Holy Water Holy Water, Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller, Power Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Remedy, X-Potion
Remedy Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Al Bhed Potion, Remedy, Mega-Potion, X-Potion
Ultra Cure image
Исцеляет негативные статусы и восстанавливает 50% НР команде.
Power Distiller, Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller Poison Fang, Sleeping Powder, Candle of Life, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing
Al Bhed Potion Poison Fang, Sleeping Powder, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Gold Hourglass, Petrify Grenade, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb
Mega Phoenix image
Оживляет всех умерших персонажей с полными НР.
Phoenix Down Potion, Ability Distiller, Power Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tonic, Mega-Potion, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, X-Potion
Final Phoenix image
Оживляет всех умерших членов команды с полными НР, а живым полностью восстанавливает НР.
Phoenix Down Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Mega Phoenix Eye Drops, Echo Screen, Grenade, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller, Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mega Phoenix, Mega-Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion
Elixir image
Полностью восстанавливает НР и МР одному персонажу (выбирается случайно).
Antidote, Soft, Eye Drops, Echo Screen Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere
Megalixir image
Полностью восстанавливает все НР и МР команде.
Potion Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Hi-Potion Poison Fang, Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental
X-Potion Poison Fang, Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental
Mega-Potion Poison Fang, Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Mega-Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion
Mega Phoenix Map, Phoenix Down, Rename Card
Elixir Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller, Mana Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Elixir, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Mana Sphere, Map, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Sphere
Antidote, Soft, Eye Drops, Echo Screen Map, Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental
Holy Water Ability Sphere, Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental
Remedy Ability Sphere, Power Sphere, Hypello Potion, Mana Sphere, Map, Musk, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Speed Sphere
Al Bhed Potion Ability Sphere, Blessed Gem, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Gem, Soul Spring, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental
Healing Water, Tetra Elemental Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Shining Gem, Blessed Gem Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Potion, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller
Supreme Gem Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller
Healing Spring Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere
Mana Spring, Stamina Spring Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Sphere
Soul Spring, Purifying Salt Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Map, Potion, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Sphere
Super Elixir image
Исцеляет все негативные статусы и восстанавливает все НР, МР команде.
Potion Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Hi-Potion Supreme Gem
X-Potion, Mega-Potion Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Elixir Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Farplane Shadow, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Megalixir, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Water Gem
Antidote, Soft, Eye Drops, Echo Screen, Holy Water Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere,, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Remedy Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Dream Powder, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Power Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller, Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Wind, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Healing Water Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Candle of Life, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dream Powder, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, MP Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Tetra Elemental Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Candle of Life, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dream Powder, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, MP Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental, Wht Magic Sphere
Healing Spring Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Mana Spring, Stamina Spring, Soul Spring, Purifying Salt Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Final Elixir image
Исцеляет все негативные статусы, полностью восстанавливает все НР и МР команде, оживляет умерших персонажей с полными НР.
Hi-Potion Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
X-Potion Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Mega-Potion Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Luck Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Phoenix Down Supreme Gem
Mega Phoenix Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Elixir Blessed Gem, Farplane Wind, Shining Gem, Supreme Gem
Megalixir Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Blessed Gem, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental, Water Gem
Healing Water, Tetra Elemental Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Farplane Wind, Gambler's Spirit, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Master Sphere, Pendulum, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Dark Matter Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Ether, Eye Drops, Healing Water, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental, Turbo Ether
Mana Spring, Stamina Spring, Soul Spring, Purifying Salt, Stamina Tablet Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Three Stars, Master Sphere Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller
Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller


NulAll image
Накладывает на одного персонажа Nul статусы для всех четырёх элементов (выбирается случайно).
Potion, Phoenix Down Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Mega NulAll image
Накладывает на команду Nul статусы для всех четырёх элементов.
Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Mega-Potion, Mega Phoenix Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Lunar Curtain, Light Curtain Dream Powder, Hypello Potion, Map, Musk, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb
Star Curtain Ability Sphere, Dream Powder, Hypello Potion, Mana Sphere, Map, Musk, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Speed Sphere
Hyper NulAll image
Накладывает на команду Nul статусы для всех четырёх элементов, статусы Cheer и Focus
Star Curtain Star Curtain
Mana Spring Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Stamina Spring Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Soul Spring Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Star Curtain
Purifying Salt Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Star Curtain
Musk Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Hypello Potion Hypello Potion, Shining Thorn
Shining Thorn Shining Thorn
Ultra NulAll image
Накладывает на команду Nul статусы для всех четырёх элементов и даёт бонусы ко всем характеристикам на одну битву.
Healing Water, Tetra Elemental Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing
Healing Spring Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Vitality image
Удваивает НР одного персонажа (выбирается случайно) на текущую битву.
Hi-Potion Hi-Potion, X-Potion
X-Potion X-Potion
Mega Vitality image
Удваивает НР всей команды на текущую битву.
Phoenix Down Stamina Tonic
Stamina Tablet Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion
Three Stars Elixir, Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion, Potion, X-Potion
Hyper Vitality image
Удваивает НР всей команды и накладывает статус Cheer на текущую битву.
Stamina Tonic Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tonic, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Turbo Ether, X-Potion
Mana image
Удваивает максимальные МР одного персонажа на текущую битву (выбирается случайно).
Ether Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Bomb Fragment, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Eye Drops, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, X-Potion
Mega Mana image
Удваивает максимальные МР команды на текущую битву.
Ether Accuracy Sphere, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Fire Gem, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Turbo Ether, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Turbo Ether Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Turbo Ether, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion
Hyper Mana image
Удваивает максимальные МР команды и накладывает статус Focus на текущую битву.
Mana Tablet Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Turbo Ether, Twin Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion
Mana Tonic Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tonic, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Turbo Ether, Twin Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion
Twin Stars Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic
Three Stars Ether, Turbo Ether
Mighty Wall image
Накладывает на всю команду статусы Shell и Protect.
Lunar Curtain, Light Curtain Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Power Sphere, Mana Sphere, Speed Sphere, Ability Sphere Ability Distiller, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller
Star Curtain Ability Distiller, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Soft, Speed Distiller
Mighty G image
Накладывает на всю команду статусы Shell, Protect, Haste.
Ability Distiller Ability Distiller
Al Bhed Potion, Healing Water, Tetra Elemental Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Shining Thorn, Star Curtain
Antarctic Wind, Bomb Fragment, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Remedy Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain
Mana Distiller Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller
Speed Distiller Ability Distiller, Speed Distiller
Power Distiller Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller
Tetra Elemental Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Shining Thorn, Star Curtain
Super Mighty G image
Накладывает на команду статусы Shell, Protect, Haste и Regen.
Chocobo Feather Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Chocobo Wing Accuracy Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Healing Spring Frag Grenade, Grenade
Light Curtain Accuracy Sphere, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Lunar Curtain Accuracy Sphere, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Bomb Core, Blk magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Star Curtain Accuracy Sphere, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Three Stars Healing Spring, Mana Spring, Purifying Salt, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Hyper Mighty G image
Накладывает на команду статусы Shell, Protect, Haste, Regen и Auto-Life.
Chocobo Wing, Healing Spring, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Freedom image
На текущую битву заклинания одного, случайного персонажа не потребляют МР.
Ether Farplane Wind, Mega Phoenix, Remedy
Freedom X image
На текущую битву заклинания команды не потребляют МР.
Ether Amulet, Blessed Gem, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Musk, Pendulum, Shining Gem, Stamina Tablet, Supreme Gem, Twin Stars, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Three Stars Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Sphere, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Turbo Ether Amulet, Blessed Gem, Door to Tomorrow, Farplane Wind, Gambler's Spirit, Mega Phoenix, Musk, Pendulum, Remedy, Shining Gem, Stamina Tablet, Supreme Gem, Twin Stars, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Twin Stars Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Blk Magic Sphere, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Twin Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion
Hero Drink image
На текущую битву вероятность критического удара одного, случайного персонажа возрастает почти до 100%.
Designer Wallet Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion
Fortune Sphere Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Bomb Fragment, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Eye Drops, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Mega-Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Speed Distiller, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion
Luck Sphere Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion
Miracle Drink image
На текущую битву вероятность критического удара команды возрастает почти до 100%.
Designer Wallet Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Blessed Gem, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Door to Tomorrow, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Fortune Sphere, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Luck Sphere, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, Mega Phoenix, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Turbo Ether, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Fortune Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Candle of Life, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Dragon Scale, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fortune Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Luck Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Master Sphere, Mega Phoenix, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Shining Gem, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Turbo Ether, Twin Stars, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Luck Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Luck Sphere, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Map, Master Sphere, Mega Phoenix, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Three Stars, Teleport Sphere, Turbo Ether, Twin Stars, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Quartet of 9 image
На текущую битву исцеляющие и атакующие действия одного персонажа будут иметь минимальный эффект в 9999 единиц.
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula Accuracy Sphere, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Water Gem
Supreme Gem Lv. 4 Key Sphere
Dark Matter Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Three Star
Trio of 9999 image
На текущую битву исцеляющие и атакующие действия команды будут иметь минимальный эффект в 9999 единиц.
Blessed Gem Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Master Sphere, Pendulum, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Dark Matter Bomb Core, Dragon Scale, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lightning Marble, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Pendulum, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Twin Stars
Door to Tomorrow Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Gambler's Spirit Gambler's Spirit
Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Shining Gem Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Master Sphere, Pendulum, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Supreme Gem Master Sphere, Pendulum
Wings to Discovery Wings to Discovery
Hot Spurs image
Ускоряет наполнение шкалы овердрайва команды в полтора раза (1.5х) на текущую битву.
Elixir Accuracy Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Blessed Gem Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Stamina Tonic, Twin Stars
Three Stars Fire Gem, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Water Gem
Mega Phoenix Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Three Stars, Twin Stars
Megalixir Megalixir
Shining Gem Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Stamina Tonic, Twin Stars
Supreme Gem Friend Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Stamina Tonic, Teleport Sphere, Twin Stars
Eccentrick image
Ускоряет наполнение шкалы овердрайва команды в два раза (2х) на текущую битву.
Amulet Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Elixir, Gambler's Spirit, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Stamina Tonic, Three Stars, Twin Stars, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit Elixir, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Pendulum, Stamina Tonic, Three Stars, Twin Stars
Elixir Dark Matter
Megalixir Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Twin Stars, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula Elixir, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Pendulum, Stamina Tonic, Three Stars, Twin Stars



Grenade image
Наносит небольшой урон всем врагам.
Antarctic Wind Bomb Fragment
Arctic Wind Bomb Core
Electro Marble Fish Scale
Ice Gem Fire Gem
Lightning Gem Water Gem
Lightning Marble Dragon Scale
Frag Grenade image
Наносит небольшой урон всем врагам и наносит статус Armour Break.
Ability Sphere Ability Sphere
Agility Sphere Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere
Mana Sphere Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Sphere
Power Sphere Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere
Blaster Mine image
Наносит небольшой урон и статусы Darkness, Silence и Sleep на три хода всем врагам.
Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere Candle of Life, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Hypello Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb
Frag Grenade Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Pendulum, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller
Grenade Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Gold Hourglass, Holy Water, Hypello Potion, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Speed Distiller, Stamina Spring
Mana Sphere, Power Sphere Candle of Life, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Hypello Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb
Map, Rename Card Candle of Life, Gold Hourglass, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Silver Hourglass
Pendulum Dream Powder, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb
Hazardous Shell image
Наносит средний урон и статусы Poison, Darkness, Silence и Sleep на четыре хода всем врагам.
Blessed Gem Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere
Candle of Life Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Dream Powder Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Sphere, Rename Card
Frag Grenade Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Tetra Elemental
Gold Hourglass Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Grenade Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Healing Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Map, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Wht Magic Sphere
Map, Rename Card Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Petrify Grenade Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Poison Fang Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Shining Gem Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere
Silence Grenade Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Silver Hourglass Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Sleeping Powder Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Smoke Bomb Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Pineapple image
Наносит средний урон всем врагам.
Antarctic Wind, Bomb Fragment Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Arctic Wind, Bomb Core Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Lightning Marble
Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere
Bomb Fragment Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Fire Gem, Ice Gem Electro Marble, Fish Scale
Map, Rename Card Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Speed Distiller
Calamity Bomb image
Наносит средний урон и накладывает статусы Poison, Darkness, Silence и Sleep на пять ходов всем врагам.
Arctic Wind, Bomb Core Lightning Gem, Water Gem
Attribute Sphere Candle of Life, Dream Powder, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb
Blessed Gem Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Candle of Life, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Farplane Shadow Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Three Stars
Farplane Wind Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Three Stars
Frag Grenade Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Grenade Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Master Sphere
Ice Gem Dragon Scale, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Petrify Grenade Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Shadow Gem Three Stars
Shining Gem Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Sleeping Powder Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Supreme Gem Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere
Cluster Bomb image
Наносит большой урон всем врагам.
Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Blessed Gem, Shining Gem Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Water Gem
Accuracy Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Blessed Gem, Shining Gem, Supreme Gem Map, Rename Card
Blk Magic Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Master Sphere, Skill Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere
Clear Sphere Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Defense Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Evasion Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
HP Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Lv. 3 Key Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere
Magic Def Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Magic Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Map, Rename Card Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Return Sphere Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Speed Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Strength Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Teleport Sphere Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Warp Sphere Warp Sphere
Potato Masher image
Наносит большой урон всем врагам.
Attribute Sphere Attribute Sphere
Blk Magic Sphere Blk Magic Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Clear Sphere Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Map, Rename Card, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Power Sphere, Skill Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Fire Gem Dragon Scale, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Lv. 1 Key Sphere Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Master Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Lv. 2 Key Sphere Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere
Map Accuracy Sphere, Blk Magic sphere, Defense Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Rename Card Accuracy Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Skill Sphere Skill Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Special Sphere Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Wht Magic Sphere Wht Magic Sphere
Tallboy image
Наносит большой урон всем врагам.
Amulet, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dream Powder, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Grenade, Master Sphere, Return Sphere, Silence Grenade, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Special Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Whit Magic Sphere
Blessed Gem Accuracy Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Lv. 4 Key Sphere Accuracy Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Master Sphere, Skill Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Master Sphere Blk Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Pendulum Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Friend Sphere, Master Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Shining Gem Attribute Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Supreme Gem Accuracy Sphere, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Grenade, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Three Stars Frag Grenade, Grenade
Warp Sphere Blk Magic Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Chaos Grenade image
Наносит большой урон и накладывает статусы Full Break, Slow, Poison, Darkness, Silence и Sleep на восемь ходов на всех врагов.
Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Shining Gem Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Candle of Life, Gold Hourglass, Petrify Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Poison Fang Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Dream Powder Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Farplane Shadow Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Farplane Wind Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Farplane, Wind, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Frag Grenade Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Grenade Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Hypello Potion, Musk Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog's Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Pendulum Amulet, Pendulum
Return Sphere Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Silence Grenade Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Sleeping Powder Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Smoke Bomb Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Supreme Gem Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Nega Burst image
Понижает НР противников на три четверти.
Shadow Gem Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, MP Sphere, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Silence Sphere, Sleeping Power, Smoke Bomb, Speed Distiller, Water Gem
Black Hole image
Понижает НР врагов на 15/16.
Shadow Gem Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Master Sphere, Pendulum, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Sunburst image
Наносит всем врагам ровно 19998 НР урона.
Blessed Gem Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic
Dark Matter Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Fortune Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Luck Sphere, Lv. 1 Key sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Shining Gem, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Stone, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Gambler's Spirit, Underdog's Secret Underdog's Secret, Winning Formula
Shining Gem, Three Stars Supreme Gem, Three Stars
Supreme Gem Amulet, Blessed Gem, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler's Spirit, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Supreme Gem, Three Stars, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Wings to Discovery Gambler's Spirit, Underdog's Secret, Winning Formula
Winning Formula Winning Formula


Heat Blaster image
Наносит пять слабых огненных атак случайным врагам.
Bomb Core Ability Distiller, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Agility Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Soft, Speed Distiller
Bomb Fragment Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Holy Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Mana Sphere, Mana Distiller, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Fire Gem Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Map, Rename Card
Firestorm image
Наносит шесть средних огненных атак противникам.
Bomb Core Al Bhed Potion, Bomb Core, Clear Sphere, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Healing Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars
Bomb Fragment Bomb Core, Clear Sphere, Fire Gem, Healing Water, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental
Fire Gem Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Clear Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Holy water, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental
Burning Soul image
Наносит девять средних огненных атак врагам на поле боя.
Bomb Core Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Bomb Fragment Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Fire Gem Accuracy Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Brimstone image
Наносит три средние огненные атаки и статусы Darkness, Silence, Poison и Sleep врагам на поле боя.
Bomb Core Candle of Life, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Wht Magic Sphere
Bomb Fragment Candle of Life, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Fire Gem Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere
Abaddon Flame image
Наносит три сильные атаки огнём и статусы Darkness, Silence, Poison и Sleep на три хода
Bomb Core Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Bomb Fragment Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing
Fire Gem Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring


Thunderbolt image
Наносит врагам пять слабых атак молнией.
Electro Marble Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Holy Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Lightning Gem Dragon Scale, Fish Scale, Map, Rename Card
Lightning Marble Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Fish Scale, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller
Rolling Thunder image
Наносит врагам шесть средних атак молнией.
Electro Marble Clear Sphere, Electro Marble, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental
Lightning Gem Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Clear Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Holy Water, Lightning Gem, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Special Sphere, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental
Lightning Marble Al Bhed Potion, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Frag Grenade, Healing Water, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Lightning Bolt image
Наносит врагам девять средних атак молнией.
Electro Marble Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Lightning Gem Accuracy Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Lightning Marble Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Electroshock image
Наносит врагам три средние атаки молнией и накладывает статусы Poison, Darkness, Silence и Sleep на три хода.
Electro Marble Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Lightning Marble Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Thunderblast image
Наносит врагам три сильные атаки молнией и накладывает статусы Poison, Darkness, Silence и Sleep на три хода.
Lightning Gem Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Lightning Marble Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind


Waterfall image
Наносит противникам пять слабых атак водой.
Dragon Scale Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Soft, Speed Distiller
Fish Scale Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Holy Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Water Gem Electro Marble, Lightning Marble, Map, Rename Card
Flash Flood image
Наносит противникам шесть средних атак водой.
Dragon Scale Al Bhed Potion, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dragon Scale, Frag Grenade, Healing Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Fish Scale Clear Sphere, Dragon Scale, Fish Scale, Healing Water, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Water Gem
Frag Grenade Frag Grenade, Grenade
Grenade Grenade
Water Gem Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Clear Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Water Gem
Tidal Wave image
Наносит противникам девять средних атак водой.
Dragon Scale Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Fish Scale Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Water Gem Accuracy Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Aqua Toxin image
Наносит три средних удара водой и накладывает статусы Poison, Darkness, Silence и Sleep на три хода.
Dragon Scale Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Fish Scale Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Dark Rain image
Наносит три сильных удара водой и накладывает статусы Poison, Darkness, Silence и Sleep на три хода
Dragon Scale Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Fish Scale Candle of Life, Water Gem, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring


Snow Flurry image
Наносит пять слабых ударов льдом.
Antarctic Wind Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Holy Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Arctic Wind Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Fragment, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Wht Magic Sphere
Ice Gem Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Map, Rename Card
Icefall image
Шесть средних атак льдом.
Antarctic Wind Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Clear Sphere, Healing Water, Ice Gem, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental
Arctic Wind Al Bhed Potion, Arctic Wind, Clear Sphere, Frag Grenade, Healing Water, Ice Gem, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars
Ice Gem Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Clear Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Holy Water, Ice Gem, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental
Winter Storm image
Наносит девять средних ударов льдом.
Antarctic Wind Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler's Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog's Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Arctic Wind Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Ice Gem Accuracy Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Black Ice image
Наносит три сильных удара льдом и накладывает статусы Poison, Darkness, Silence и Sleep на три хода
Antarctic Wind Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Arctic Wind Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Ice Gem Sleeping Powder
Krysta image
Наносит три сильных удара льдом и накладывает статусы Poison, Darkness, Silence и Sleep на три хода
Arctic Wind Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Silence Grenade
Ice Gem Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Автор Arc 2 июля 2013, 15:59 (6304 просмотра)

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