

Название Год выпуска Платформы

Shrek 2 (PC/Mac)

KnowWonder (PC), Aspyr (Mac)

2004 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (PS2&GC&Xbox)

Warthog Games

2003 PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PS2&GC&Xbox)

Eurocom (Xbox&GC), EA UK (PS2)

2002 PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (PS2&GC&Xbox)


2004 PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube


Supersonic Software

2004 PlayStation 2, PC (Windows), Xbox

Shrek 2

Luxoflux, Beenox (PC)

2004 PlayStation 2, PC (Windows), Xbox, Nintendo GameCube

Toy Story 3

Avalanche Software

2010 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Macintosh

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (PC&Mac)

AWE Games (Windows), Aspyr (Mac)

2004 PC (Windows), Macintosh

SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, Pants! (Windows)

AWE Games

2005 PC (Windows)

Toy Story 3 (PS2/PSP)

Asobo Studio

2010 PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable

Трое из Простоквашино: Путешествие на плоту

Electronic Paradise

2005 PC (Windows)

Shrek Extra Large

Digital Illusions

2002 Nintendo GameCube

SpongeBob SquarePants: Employee of the Month

AWE Games

2002 PC (Windows)

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (PS2&GC&Xbox)

Heavy Iron Studios

2004 PlayStation 2, Xbox, PlayStation 3, Nintendo GameCube

Street Fighter EX


1996 PlayStation, Arcade

The King's Secret

Tyrex Multimedia Ltd.

1996 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Clumsy Ninja


2013 iPhone / iPod, iPad, Android

Metal Gear Solid Mobile

Ideaworks Game Studio

2008 Mobile Phone, N-Gage

Трое из Простоквашино: В Поисках Клада

Electronic Paradise

2005 PC (Windows)

Трое из Простоквашино: День Рождения Дяди Фёдора

Electronic Paradise

2006 PC (Windows)

Трое из Простоквашино: Летние каникулы

Electronic Paradise

2007 PC (Windows)

Трое из Простоквашино: Новый Год!

Electronic Paradise

2008 PC (Windows)

Трое из Простоквашино: Пришельцы в Простоквашино

Electronic Paradise

2008 PC (Windows)

Трое из Простоквашино: Дело ночного воришки

Electronic Paradise

2009 PC (Windows)

Batman: Toxic Chill

The Learning Company

2003 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Batman: Justice Unbalanced

The Learning Company

2003 PC (Windows), Macintosh

SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, Pants! (PS2&GC&Xbox)

THQ Studio Australia

2005 PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

Capcom, Virgin Interactive

1997 PlayStation, Saturn, Arcade

Batman: Chaos in Gotham

Digital Eclipse Software

2001 Game Boy Color

Batman: Vengeance (GBA)

Ubi Soft Montreal

2001 Game Boy Advance

Иван Царевич и Серый Волк

PIPE Studio

2011 PC (Windows)

Piglet's Big Game (Windows)

Hulabee Entertainment

2003 PC (Windows)

LEGO The Incredibles

TT Fusion

2018 PC (Windows), Macintosh, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Knack 2

SCE Japan Studio

2017 PlayStation 4

Штырлиц 3: Агент СССР


2002 PC (Windows)

Дети звездной пыли

Hazukashii Team

2017 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Android, Linux

Little Fighter

Marti Wong, Starsky Wong

1995 PC (DOS)

Little Fighter 2

Marti Wong, Starsky Wong

1999 PC (Windows)

The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer

Heavy Iron Studios (PS2 & Xbox & GC), Beenox (PC & Mac)

2005 PlayStation 2, PC (Windows), Xbox, PlayStation 3, Nintendo GameCube, Macintosh

Волшебный сон


1997 PC (Windows)

Scooby-Doo! Showdown in Ghost Town

The Learning Company

2000 PC (Windows)

Новый Бармалей


2000 PC (Windows)

Scooby-Doo! Case File #3: Frights! Camera! Mystery!

The Learning Company

2007 PC (Windows)

Трое из Простоквашино: Почтальон рассеянный

Electronic Paradise

2009 PC (Windows)

Рандеву с Незнакомкой

Experience Entertainment Software (ExE-Soft)

2000 PC (Windows)

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (GBA)

WayForward Technologies

2004 Game Boy Advance

The Bad Kids

Aluba Studio

2023 PC (Windows)

SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, Pants! (GBA)

WayForward Technologies

2005 Game Boy Advance

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (GBC)


2000 Game Boy Color

The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame

TT Games Studios

2019 PC (Windows), Macintosh, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Emily is Away 3

Kyle Seeley

2021 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Power Rangers: Super Legends

Artificial Mind and Movement

2007 PlayStation 2, PC (Windows)

Штырлиц 4: Матрица. Шаг до гибели


2009 PC (Windows)

Таня Гроттер и Магический контрабас

Creative Dream Studio

2008 PC (Windows)

Таня Гроттер и Исчезающий этаж

Creative Dream Studio

2008 PC (Windows)

Alarm for Cobra 11: Nitro

Synetic GmbH

2006 PC (Windows)


Full Home Studios

2003 PC (Windows)


Digital Illusions

2001 Xbox

The Incredibles: When Danger Calls


2004 PC (Windows), Macintosh

The Jungle Book: Rhythm N'Groove

Ubi Soft Montreal, Ubi Soft Shanghai

2000 PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PC (Windows)